Santa Clara, Cuba

More than 30,000 Pounds of food were delivered to Native Lay Missionaries, Pastors and their families, and non-SDA people within the territory of the Villa Perla Mission in Central Cuba.

To avoid the typical “Red Tape” of this type of operation, our own CPL personnel in Cuba worked on the release of the food, its proper storage, and the distribution of the food to each designated family on an expedited basis. Such a process helps us to save hundreds of dollars and declare “Mission Accomplished” in a timely manner.

Unlike other organizations that send damaged, worm-eaten food or expired items, this is first – class food directly from the Untied States. CPL is extremely thankful to the US-related authorities that provide a legal path for this type of humanitarian assistance to take place. Our Cuban Native Lay Missionaries, pastors, and their families deserve the best!

Thanks to our most appreciated mission partners for allowing us to treat these children of God like part of your own family!

Not a single ounce of the more than 30,000 pounds of food that was sent by CPL Mission Partners like you was waisted or lost thanks to the organized on-the-ground operations established in advance with the support of several volunteers led by the Villa Perla Mission in Sta. Clara, Cuba.

What used to be a popular food item in the communist country of Cuba: BLACK BEANS, is now a luxury in the diet of Native Lay Missionaries and their families. Your gift is extremely appreciated. THANK YOU!

From the port of El Mariel, all the way to the initial check point with not a single inspection from Cuba’s communist authorities: Pr. Aldo Joel, President of the SDA church in Cuba mentioned: “This is the first time in the history of the SDA Church in Cuba that a container has not been reviewed, checked and delayed by communist authorities. To God be the Glory!”

This picture is worth more than millions of dollars. These smiling faces of the Villa Perla Mission Pastors and Native Lay Missionaries are all because they were blessed by brother Michael Jackson’s financial support towards the need of food in communist Cuba. MUCHAS GRACIAS!