Our Accomplishments
Hope | Love | Understanding

Hope, Love, and Understanding
We Praise God’s name for HIS leading hand in sharing Hope, Love, and Understanding with those for whom we have the privilege of doing ministry.
Changing People’s Lives (CPL) International makes a difference to an average of more than 25 million people per year.
Countries we serve

From sponsoring the training of urgently needed Native Lay Missionaries in the communist country of Vietnam, to keeping an active presence in the most remote areas of the communist country of China, to carrying out the establishment of home-church congregations on the island of Cuba. . .
From providing urgently needed food and relief during the pandemic to the people in the communist country of Laos, all the way to being the source of a much needed network of humanitarian and spiritual support in the most restricted country of the world: North Korea. . .
We also promote the most appreciated mobile-church units to those who escape from the socialist country of Venezuela and even beyond, like the timely assistance given to those who experienced tragedies on the island of Puerto Rico.
Changing People’s Lives is a partner for real missions on a moment’s notice. Never forget that the power of hope starts with you!

When CPL says that we serve certain countries and BEYOND it means that even on the island of Puerto Rico, CPL extends its financial and physical support to those affected by the latest wave of earthquakes in the southern section of the island.

In the communist country of Laos, CPL was a main source of provisions the thousands of people affected by the challenging effects from Covid -19,by providing thousands of bags of rice even in villages where the presence of a Native Lay Missionary was fully restricted before.

CPL leads and sponsors the training of Native Lay Missionaries in the most remote sections of Communist Vietnam. The SDA membership in Vietnam went from a little over 2000 people to more than 15,000 members at the present time.
Thank you!
CPL International
We are blessed, encouraged, and inspired to move forward,thanks to your prayers, financial support and personal care. Our commitment to share JESUS is higher than ever and we are not afraid to give our own lives for HIS cause. Please don’t give up on your critical support. We have nothing left. THANK YOU!