Youth Congress for young people from Communist Vietnam and Laos

While a typical, country-wide congress for Christian youth in communist countries is almost an impossible mission, we trusted in God’s assurance that HE was going to lead, impress and make possible for our CPL Mission Partners to financially sponsor this event in Cambodia.

Many of our young people from communist Vietnam and Laos were allowed to travel by their corresponding government authorities to this special event, many of them having to take two days of travel by bus from their remote villages to Cambodia (Plus another 2 days for their return!)

While events of this nature require a considerable amount of financial support, it was all worth it to see young people experience a “rare” environment of freedom, where they could learn skills to help them cope with young people issues like drugs, sex, peer pressure, etc., and to have the opportunity to share with and pray for one another.

We are extremely proud of the commitment, personal financial sacrifice, and supportive spirit from CPL Mission Partners whose vision helps us to carry out the sharing of Jesus’s Love in corners of the world where Religious Freedom is highly restricted.