Changing the Present
Transforming the Future
Sharing Jesus’ Love with those countries where religious freedom is compromised!
A different Ministry for different people
CPL is a specialized ministry that supports the mission of the SDA Message in the challenging countries of the world where Religious Freedom is mostly Restricted!
We Bring...
CPL Divisions of Service
While most of what we do is sensitive in nature, we have still been able to operate with a higher sense of security and support in those challenging countries of the world where we have the privilege to do ministry.
All of the above is accomplished under the leading hand of God through three major Divisions:

The Humanitarian Division
“Put away any bitterness, hostility, anger, gossip, rioting and holding grudges. Instead, be kind and compassionate to one another, considerate and forgiving, just as God in Christ has done for you.” Ephesians 4:31, 32
The Spiritual Outreach Division
“But God had other plans for me even before I was born. In HIS own time, God called me to serve because of HIS mercy and love.” Galatians 1:15
The International Mission Service Division
“A mission trip to any part of the world is a blessing, but a mission trip to a communist country is a once in a lifetime experience you will never forget.”
- Eliseo Lozano / CPL President
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